June 13th - 15th 1997

Ramsdencon is an informal, non smoking Board Game's weekend that starts at 6.00pm Friday 13th until 6.00pm Sunday. Please do not turn up any earlier unless you have a prior arrangement There will be a few organised events, hopefully a free form on Saturday evening and an auction on Sunday afternoon. Other events will be known nearer the time. Light refreshments are available all day until midnight.


Ramsden Hall School, Billericay, Essex, which is set in acres of woodland, complete with a moat. There is also an outside swimming pool, that may well be available for us to use, no promises.

A Bit of Info

Ramsden Hall School is a special school, It caters for boys aged 11 - 16 with emotional and behavioural problems that seriously hamper their education. The School offers boarding places as well as day attendance. The aim is to return the boys back into the community with a greater understanding of the world and themselves in order that they may take their rightful place in society and gain useful and rewarding employment.


The cost is 20.00, which includes two nights accommodation. If accommodation is not required the cost is 8.00 for entry Friday, Saturday and Sunday or 4.00 for just one day.


The rooms are large bedrooms that will be sleeping 3 to 5 people. If you know others coming, let me know and I can put you together if you want. There will be a snorer's room! The rooms are basic, but adequate. One of the reasons why the weekend is reasonably priced is because of the shared bedrooms and you bring your own bedding. I also ask you to leave the rooms exactly as you found them.

There are a few spare settees available if you are too late for a room. The settee room will have floor space as well and there will be five or six sleeping in these rooms. Unfortunately, it will still cost you the full whack. Each room will be provided with a rubbish bag, on Sunday if you could bring it down to the reception area. Thank you.


I will send you a map with directions to school, but only if you request one or have not attended Ramsdencon before. Ramsden Hall School is about 8 miles from the M25.


The map should get you there. There are two entrances to the school, the one on the sharp bend of Outwood Common Road will lead you down a drive at the bottom of which you bear left, and then right towards the tennis court. The entrance in Heath Road leads straight to the main school entrance.


The nearest Railway station is Billericay, and the school is approx 3 miles from it. The trains go from Liverpool Street, there are three an hour, taking 45 minutes. One of the trains is a fast one, taking 25 minutes. Mayflower cabs are based directly outside the station, their number is 01277 624000. Bus - Not recommended.


Plenty of room to park, a car park at the front of the school and a tennis court. Please do not park on the grass.


Dave's van will be on site providing fast food, any special food requests, let me know and I will tell Dave. His range includes burgers, hot dogs, spicy prawns, vegetarian food, etc. There is a good selection of local take a ways that deliver free of charge, Chinese, Indian, Pizza, Sandwich bar and a fish and chip shop.

There is a pub just down the road, which does good food and also plenty of local shops to get supplies.

Jess will also providing light refreshments almost 24 hours a day.


The school does operate a no smoking policy, so smokers will have to smoke outside the building. Thank you for respecting this.

Reiner Knizia

...is unable to attend this time, but I am going to have a cardboard cut out in his honour and absence.

Fund Raising Auction

This is going to be held on Sunday afternoon from 2.00pm onwards. Sellers can leave their goods with Lucya Szachnowski between 11am and 12.00pm on Sunday, with viewing after 1.00pm. 20% will be donated to the School from the auction. Last time we rose over 50.00 for the School. Reserve prices can only be placed on items valued over 5.00.

Looking forward to seeing you all again.

Please register me for Ramsdencon June 13th - June 15th 1997

Total cost for the weekend, including accommodation, is 20.00 or 8.00 total for day visits. Please send a 10.00 deposit per person if you are booking accommodation.

Cheques payable to A Shillabeer.

Residential or Non Residential...............

Telephone, e-mail............................

Amount enclosed..............................

I do/do not require directions to be sent....

Send to -

A Shillabeer
134 Ballards Walk
Lee Chapel North
Essex, SS15 5JP

It is the responsibility of individuals to look after their valuables, Ramsdencon can not be held responsible for items lost during the weekend. I also still have a copy of that Wigan Pier game, it must belong to somebody, own up or it will go in the auction, along with The Manager game and a copy of Reibach & Co.

The Game Cabinet - [email protected] - Ken Tidwell