August, 1995
Gaming News
Essen Release Announcements
Original Game Rules
- A.R.E.N.A. -
mayhem for mayhem's sake
- Diffusion -
a game of placement and territory inspired by poro-elastic media
English Rule Translations
- Symbioz -
wacky critters consume mass quantities -
they're from France
- Duel der Schamanen -
shamen duke it out in a mystic game of Tic Tac Toe
- Jagd der Vampire -
vampires hunt for the Big Tomato (just a metaphor for
L.A. in the 80s)
Traditional Games
- Dominoes -
all about shakin' and playin' bones
Web Games Terminal
The Front Door
Other Places
- Gamesmiths -
makers of Throwing Stones and other fine games
- Greenleaf Online Store -
on-line games store specializing in cards, dice, and
- Shogi -
Pieter Stouten's compilation of many Shogi resources found
on the Web
The Game Cabinet
- [email protected]
- Ken Tidwell