June, 1995
Whoops! The Game Cabinet was one year old this month and I just let the
anniversary slip by without any special celebration! What was I thinking?
However, I believe this was the largest collection of new pointers
that the Game Cabinet had ever seen - somewhere near twenty new articles
and links - combined with the spillover from late May after the Gathering
the total rose to near forty! Which, I suppose, is only impressive because
this is a hobby and all of the material is created by volunteers! Thanks
to all the folks out on the Net! I also suspect you can always look
for large issues after Nuremberg/Gathering in May/June and Essen in
Gaming News
Game Reviews
- Armchair Cricket -
Harrison delves into that favorite of English pastimes -
Well held, sir!
- Medici -
Knizia trades Roman goods in Italy and comes out ahead
- RoboRally -
robots rally; players snooze; fixable sez Steffan
(Ha! I found it!)
Original Game Rules
- Domination -
strategy game for the chains 'n leather set?
English Rule Translations
- Billabong -
high stakes kangaroo racing in the traditional style
- Dr Faust -
two devils struggle for the soul of one man
- Kameltreiber AG -
yet another camel racing game (Hey, Tim! What about these?)
- Kohle, Kie$ & Knete -
Sid Sackson's game of big deals and fast talk
- Knock Out -
manage a stable of boxers (strange hair optional)
- Medici -
Mercator redux - Knizia does it, again
- Modern Art -
Knizia's klassic kardgame of kultured kitzch
- Paparazzo -
snap embarrassing pix of pop personalities for the big bucks
- Packen Wir's -
Let's Get Packing! in this silly game about moving day
- Pirat -
sea trading card game complete with pirates
- Quick -
an abstract, two player strategy game from Claude Souci
- Das Regeln Wir Schon! -
Nomic for the whole family?
- Teufels, Teufels -
a game of demonic possession and letter collection (ala
the U.S. Post Office)
- VIP's -
construct your perfect ideal of a beautiful person for
cash and prizes
Web Games Terminal
The Front Door
- R & D Games -
the latest price list from Ray Pfeifer and Co.
Other Places
The Game Cabinet
- [email protected]
- Ken Tidwell