Letter from the Editor
(October, 1995)

Well, it's official: The Game Cabinet is pleased to announce that we will be reprinting the complete run of Sumo over the course of the next few months! Sumo is, in my opinion, the premiere English language games magazine. Bar none.

Sumo is the creation of Mike Siggins, game collector (reformed), sports fan, pundit, and all round good egg. For many years, Mike edited, published, and wrote a good deal of each issue of Sumo. In later years, Stuart Dagger took the editorial helm to allow Mike to concentrate on writing and life outside the confines of his writing desk.

Each issue of Sumo features a very special column, Inside Pitch, in which Mike holds forth about game collecting, sports, movies, books, and life, in general. Inside Pitch actually predates Sumo and started its run in Sensation!, a sports replay zine. When Sensation! closed up shop, Inside Pitch struck out on its own for a time. Then in 1989, Mike sent out the first prototype issue of Sumo's Karaoke Club, the infamous Issue 0.

As a special holiday treat, the December issue of The Game Cabinet will feature selected articles from the rare pre-Sumo Inside Pitch and the complete text of Issue 0 of Sumo's Karaoke Club. Then over the coming year we will be reprinting two issues of Sumo each month.

Just to tease you a bit more, you'll find Mike's essay on Collecting from a 1988 Inside Pitch in The Cabinet this month.

Be sure to tune in next month for all the news from Essen.

Take care,

The Game Cabinet - [email protected] - Ken Tidwell