The Game Cabinet's Most Wanted

Nov 2, 1998

List maintained, organized, and colated from diverse sources by Mike Siggins.

Here is a list (far from complete though lengthy) of rule translations into English wanted at present. Most of the games listed below are German games, with the occassional French, Dutch, Spanish, Czech, etc. game thrown in for good measure. What we are looking for are English translations of these games. Translations to French are also appreciated. If you or anyone you know has information that might lead to the acquisition and capture of any of these rule sets please forward it to either [email protected] or [email protected]. Or snail mail them to either of the following addresses:

Mike Siggins
PO Box 2062
Woodford Green
Essex IG9 5DL
Ken Tidwell
The Game Cabinet
PO Box 391655
Mountain View, CA 94039

Rules translations are welcome in any form - written, typed, IBM PC disk, email. Please provide me with any updated information you can on the above. ie if you are in the process of translating, typing, have, need or no longer need rules, please let me know so effort won't be wasted. NB Even though I have a translation for a game, I always welcome more, especially those on disk or by email - I use them to cross check queries and they can help save on typing.

NB English Rules for Samurai, Pfeffersacke (Medieval Merchant), Kahuna, Mamma Mia, El Caballero and Samarkand are NOT AVAILABLE from The Rules Bank at present. Please contact Jay Tummelson at Rio Grande Games ([email protected]) direct for these.

Top 18 Most Wanted

Rules Recently Received at the Sumo Rules Bank

List currently unavailable.

Rules Translated and Awaiting Layout

List currently unavailable.

Rules Being Translated

List currently unavailable.

Rules Wanted

* = New Request.
** = Urgent Requirement.

The Game Cabinet - [email protected] - Ken Tidwell