From: Frank Sven Nestel ([email protected])
Subject: Do you need GameCabinet News?
Date: Sat, 24 Aug 1996 14:41:35 +0200 (MET DST)
I have a few news items about Essen:
1.) There will be a big Mü tournament on Thursday and Friday at both the Amigo and D&F stand. The tourney will start at 16:00 on both days. Participants have till 15:00 on the same day to register. English speaking participants and spectators are welcome. The finals will start at around 18:00 at the D&F stand.
2.) There will only be a very small new D&F game this year. It consists of only a few cards and rules and will be called Pico. We'll also have a new edition of our very first published game, Eselsrennen (Donkey Race), ready for the Essen fair.
If you need more details, please ask.
_#_ Frank Sven Nestel / \ [email protected] +-------------------------oooO ! 0 0 ! Oooo--------------------------------+