The Cabinet Makers
These are some of the folks that stock the Cabinet. If you've dropped
something in one of the drawers, or filled up a shelf or two, and you
aren't listed here drop me a line with a short biography and I'll add you!
- Kurt Adam
- data fiend, game collector, musician, keeper of cats, no taste in photos
- Brian Bankler
- retired grad student, rake, raconteur
- Stuart Dagger
- game collector, reviewer, mathematician
- Martin Higham
- sports games enthusiast, Knizia playtester
- Piet Notebaert
- one of Belgium's biggest boardgame fans
- Mike Siggins
- publisher and creator of Sumo, game collector (reformed)
- Catherine Soubeyrand
- keeper of the French rules translations and more
- Ken Tidwell
- your host and fellow enthusiast
- Tim Trant
- game collector, Formule De enthusiast
- Peter Wotruba
- tireless translator, chemist, game collector
The Game Cabinet
- [email protected]
- Ken Tidwell