A ludography is similar to a bibliography, which lists books, their authors,
and publishers, or a discography, which lists recordings, the artists who
created the sounds, and publishers.
I have gathered into this ludography all (well, most) of the information
I have at my disposal about games, their designers, and publishers.
The list probably has many errors and is definitely incomplete.
If you spot something wrong or know of more games or designers, drop me an
email and I'll be glad to fix things up.
Games and their Designers
Robert Abbott
- Epaminondas (1980, Bütehorn)
Jim Albea
- Plateau (1986, Magnolia Game Company)
Rob Bontenbal
- Homas Tour (1982, ??, reissued as Demarrage and Um Reifenbreite, 1992, Jumbo)
Tom and Joan Booth
Bernd Brunnhofer
- Greyhounds (?, Hans im Glück)
Hajo Bücken
- Ausbrecher AG (1988, Ravensburger)
- Bärenspiel (1983, Herder)
Peter Burley
- Take It Easy (1994, Schmidt Spiele)
Kris Burm
Adam Byer
- Kinesis (1991, Cherry Street Games)
Mark Caines
Derek Carver
- Showbiz (1988, Hexagames)
Virginia Charves
- Das Geisterschloß (1990, F.X. Schmidt)
Miles Copeland
- Game of Nations (?, Waddingtons)
Günter Cornett
- Flaschenteufel (1995, Bambus Spieleverlag)
Greg Costikyan
- Supercharge (1976, SPI)
- Swords & Sorcery (1978, SPI) (co-design: Eric Goldberg)
- The Creature That Ate Sheboygan (1979, SPI)
- Vector 3 (1979, SPI)
- DeathMaze (1980, SPI)
- Barbarian Kings (1981, SPI)
- The Return of the Stainless Steel Rat (1982, SPI)
- Trailblazer (1981, Metagaming)
- Pax Britannica (1983, Victory Games)
- Toon (1983, Steve Jackson Games)
- Dark Emperor (1985, The Avalon Hill Game Co.)
- Bug-Eyed Monsters (1983, West End Games)
- Paranoia (1983, West End Games) (co-design: Dan Gelber, Eric Goldberg)
- Web & Starship (1984, West End Games)
- Star Trek: The Adventure Game (1984, West End Games)
- Star Trek III (1984, West End Games) (co-design: Doug Kaufman)
- Acute Paranoia (1984, West End Games) (editor)
- The Price of Freedom (1985, West End Games)
- Your Own Private Idaho (1985, West End Games) (co-design: ?)
- Paranoia, 2nd Edition (1985, West End Games) (co-design: Dan Gelber, Eric
Goldberg, Ken Rolston and Paul Murphy)
- Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game (1985, West End Games)
- The Willow Game (1987, Tor Books)
- MadMaze (1989, Prodigy Services, Inc.) (co-design: Eric Goldberg)
- Reinventing America (1995, Crossover Technologies)
(with Kevin J. Maroney and John Astell)
Jim Deacove
- Explorer (?, Family Pastimes)
? Dijkstra
- Targui (w/ van Dijk) (1988, Jumbo)
Stefan Dorra
- Razzia (1992, Ravensburger)
- Intrigue (??, F.X. Schmidt)
- Weltenbummler (with Jarvis, Walsh, and Gluck) (1989, Hexagames)
E. Duchetel
- Sindbad (w/ J.P. Postel, J.H. Vanaise) (??, Flying Turtle)
Edmond Dujardin
- Mille Bornes (?, Parker Brothers and others)
Dominique Erhard
- Montgolfiére (?, Eurogames)
- Meurtre à l'abbaye / Murder in the Abby (1997, Multisim)
- Knightmare Chess (1996, Steve Jackson, adaptation of Tempete sur l'Echiquier)
- La Vallee des Mammouths (1991, Ludodelire)
- Tempete sur l'Echiquier (1988, Ludodelire)
- Baston (1985, Jeux Actuels)
Friedman Friese
- Falsche Fuffziger (1994, 2F)
- Foppen (1995, 2F)
- Wucherer (??, 2F)
Richard Garfield
- Magic: The Gathering (1993, Wizards of the Coast)
- RoboRally (1994, Wizards of the Coast)
- The Great Dalmuti (1994, Wizards of the Coast)
Ken Garland (& Associates)
- Connect (reissued Rivers, Roads, & Rails, Ravensburger)
Dan Glimne
Edith Grein-Böttcher
Richard Hamblen
- Great Kahn Game (w/ Tom Wham) (?, TSR)
- Magic Realm (?, Avalon Hill)
- Merchant of Venus (w/ Don Greenwood) (1988, Avalon Hill)
L. Hensley
- Long Short (1982, Hexagames)
Valentin Herman
- Geweihte Steine (1993, Fanfor)
Philippe Hernandez
- Guillotine (1988, avril & flrèal)
E. Hertzano
Y. Hirschfeld
- Schocko & Co. (with G. Monnet) (1988, Schmidt Spiel)
James Hlavaty
- Outpost (w/ Tim Moore) (1991, TimJim)
- Mystic War (w/ Tim Moore) (1992, TimJim)
- 2038 (w/ Tom Lehmann) (1995, TimJim)
Rudi Hoffman
- Cafe International (1989, Mattel)
- Heuchel & Meuchel (1990, Franckh-Kosmos)
- Janus (1987, Franckh-Kosmos)
- Maestro (1989, Hans-im-Glück)
Björn Hölle
- Hexentanz (1989, F.X. Schmidt)
Urs Hostettler
- Ein solches Ding (1989, Fata Morgana)
- Kreml (1987, Fata Morgana)
- Schraumeln (1992, F.X. Schmidt)
Stephen Hubell
Steve Jackson
- Hacker
- Illuminati
- Killer
- Ogre
Pierre Jacquot
- Der Ausreißer (1989, F.X. Schmidt)
Jack Jaffe
Tom Jolly (Jolly Games)
- Knots
- Wiz War (six editions)
- Wiz War Expansion Set #1 (up to sixth edition)
- Wiz War Expansion Set #2 (up to fifth edition)
Prince Joli Kansil
- Bridgette
- Itinerary
- Krakatoa
- Marrakesh
Reiner Knizia
- Attacke (1993, F.X. Schmidt)
- Catena (1992, Pro Ligno)
- Complica (1991, Pro Ligno)
- Digging (1990, Hexagames)
- En Garde (1993, Abacus Spiel)
- Goldrausch (1990, Hans-im-Glück)
- Lezte Paradies, Das (1993, Franckh-Kosmos)
- Medici (1995, Amigo)
- Modern Art (1992, Hans im Gluck)
- Neuen Spiele in Alten Rome (??, ??)
- Pirat (1992, Amigo Spiel)
- Prisma (1992, Pro Ligno)
- Pyramido (1991, Pro Ligno/Spielbox)
- Quo Vadis (1992, Hans-im-Glück)
- Res Publica (1991, Hexagames; 1992, Salagames)
- Revolution (1992, Abacus Spiele)
- Run (1992, FAN; 1993, Abacus Spiele)
- Tutanchamun (1993, Amigo Spiel)
Max J. Kobbert
- Das Labyrinth der Meister (aka Master Labyrinth) (1991, Ravensburger)
- Das ver-rückte Labyrinth (aka The Magic Labyrinth)
(1986, Otto Maier)
Gerhard Kodys
- Malawi (1986, Piatnik)
- Pole Position (1989, Piatnik)
Rüdiger Koltze
- Kuhhandel (1985, Otto Maier)
Wolfgang Kramer
- 6 nimmt! (1994, Amigo)
- Athos (??, Franckh-Kosmos)
- Auf Achse (1987, F.X. Schmidt)
- Cash (with P.K. Grunau) (1990, Ravensburger)
- City (with Andreas Spottog) (1989, Jumbo)
- Corsaro (1991, Herder)
- Daytona 500 (similar to Formal Eins) (??, Milton Bradley)
- El Grande (w/Richard Ulrich) (1995, Hans-im-Gluck)
- Formal Eins (??, ??)
- Forum Romanum (1988, Franckh-Kosmos)
- Hände weg (1995, Klee)
- Heimlich & Co. (aka Under Cover) (1985, Edition Perlhuhn,
reissued Ravensburger)
- Mitternachtsparty (aka Midnight Party, Ghost Party) (1989, Ravensburger)
- Nibelungen (enhanced Corsaro) (1992, Amigo)
- Tabaijana (1994, Herder)
- Viva Pamplona! (1994, F.X. Schmidt)
- Wildlife Adventure(?) (??, Ravensburger)
Tom Kruszewski
- Chase (1985, Blue Dolphin Games reissued 1987, TSR)
Hanno and Winfried Kuhn
- An den Ufern des Nils (1994, Abacus)
John Lacey
Michel Lalet
- Abalone (w/ Laurent Levi) (1989, Abalone)
Franz-Josef Lamminger
- Musketiere (??, Hexagames)
Tom Lehmann
- Suzerain (1992, TimJim)
- Fast Food Franchise (1992, TimJim)
- Time Agent (1992, TimJim)
- Age of Exploration (1994, TimJim)
- 2038 (w/ James Hlavaty) (1995, TimJim)
Charles Lerue
- Im Reich des weißen Bären (1991, Schmidt)
Laurent Levi
- Abalone (w/ Michel Lalet) (1989, Abalone)
Peter Lewe
- Donnerwetter (1992, Haba)
M. Lorrigan
- Formica (w/ S. Ray) (1991, Huki)
Andrew McNeil
Doris Matthaus
- Banana Republic (w/ Frank Nestel) (1993, Doris & Frank)
- Dicke Kartoffeln (Fat Potatoes) (w/ Frank Nestel) (??, Abacus Spiele)
- Eselsrennen (Donkey Racing) (w/ Frank Nestel) (??, Doris & Frank)
- Fugger, Welser, Medici (w/ Frank Nestel) (1994, Doris & Frank)
- Igel Ärgen (Hedgehogs in a Hurry) (w/ Frank Nestel) (??, Doris & Frank)
- Mü (w/ Frank Nestel) (1995, Doris & Frank)
- Tante Tarantel (Aunti Tarantula) (w/ Frank Nestel) (??, Doris & Frank)
- Vendetta (w/ Frank Nestel) (??, Hexagames)
Dieter Matthes
- Irrgendwie (1991, Pyramo)
Michael Matschoss
- Sagaland (w/ Alex Randolph) (1981, Otto Maier)
Michael Meier-Bachl
Heinz Meister
- Schweinsgalopp (aka All The Way Home) (1992, Ravensburger)
G. Monnet
- Schocko & Co. (with Y. Hirschfeld) (1988, Schmidt Spiel)
Alan Moon
- Airlines (1990, Abacus)
- Black Spy (1981, Avalon Hill) reissued as Gespenster
- Elfengold (1991, White Wind)
- Elfenroads (1992, White Wind)
- Elfenwizards (1995, White Wind)
- Fishy (1991, White Wind)
- Freight Train (1993, White Wind)
- Gespenster (1990, Hexagames) reissue of Black Spy
- Mush (1994, White Wind)
- Pacific Theatre via Midway (1979, Avalon Hill)
- Pony Express (1991, Abacus)
- Rainbows (1995, White Wind)
- Santa Fe (1992, White Wind)
- Starting Lineup Talking Baseball (1988, Parker Brothers)
- Superstar Lineup Talking Football (1989, Parker Brothers)
- Tricks (1995, White Wind)
- UFOs (1992, Salagames)
- War at Sea II (1980, Avalon Hill)
- Wer Hat Mehr? (1990, Piatnik)
Tim Moore
- Outpost (w/ James Hlavaty) (1991, TimJim)
- Mystic War (w/ James Hlavaty) (1992, TimJim)
Blaise Muller
- Quarto (1991, Gigamic S.A., Eurogames, F.X. Schmidt)
Walter Müller
- Entenrallye (1992, Walter Müllers Spielewerkstatt)
- Favoriten (1990, Walter Müllers Spielewerkstatt)
Burkhard Munchhagen
- Manager (with Peter and Waltrauf Pfeifer) (1991, Hexagames)
- Banana Republic (w/ Doris Matthaus) (1993, Doris & Frank)
- Dicke Kartoffeln (Fat Potatoes) (w/ Doris Matthaus) (??, Abacus Spiele)
- Eselsrennen (Donkey Racing) (w/ Doris Matthaus) (??, Doris & Frank)
- Fugger, Welser, Medici (w/ Doris Matthaus) (1994, Doris & Frank)
- Igel Ärgen (Hedgehogs in a Hurry) (w/ Doris Matthaus) (??, Doris & Frank)
- Mü (w/ Doris Matthaus) (1995, Doris & Frank)
- Tante Tarantel (Aunti Tarantula) (w/ Doris Matthaus) (??, Doris & Frank)
- Vendetta (w/ Doris Matthaus) (??, Hexagames)
Edward T. Okamura
- Pipeline (1988, Playco Hawaii)
Philip Orbanes
- Cartel
- Trumpet (??, International-Mattel)
Klaus Palesch
Philippe des Pallieres
- Totem (w/Patrice Pillet) (1995 Queen Carroms)
Wolfgang Panning
Franck Parcabe
- Terrain Vague (with Roland Scaron) (?, Ludodelire)
David Parlett
- Hare and Tortoise (Hase und Igel) (Ravensburger, Gibsons)
- Shoulder to Shoulder
Peter and Waltrauf Pfeifer
- Manager (with Burkhard Munchhagen) (1991, Hexagames)
Charles Phillips
- I Vant to Bite Your Finger (with Charlie Light) (1979, Hasbro)
- Oh Bleep! (1982, ARC)
- Won Over (1982, Parker Brothers)
- Go For It! (1984, Parker Brothers)
- Advance to Boardwalk (1988, Parker Brothers)
- Castle Risk (1987, Parker Brothers)
- Roller Coaster (1989, Parker Brothers)
- Vegas Nites Casino Series (with Mark Setteducatti) (1989, International Games)
- Boggle Bowl (w/ Nancy Babson) (1987, Parker Brothers)
- Free Parking (1988, Parker Brothers)
- Clue Jr. (1989, Parker Brothers)
- Super Yatzi (1995, FX Schmidt)
Patrice Pillet
- Totem (w/Philippe des Pallieres) (1995 Queen Carroms)
Greg Porter
- Black Death (??, Blacksburg Tactical Research Center)
J.P. Postel
- Sindbad (w/ E. Duchetel, J.H. Vanaise) (??, Flying Turtle)
Eric Randall (w/ Laurent Lavaur)
- Formule De (??, Ludodelire)
Alex Randolph
- Breakthru
- Gute Freunde (1989, Selecta)
- Die heiße Schlacht am kalten Buffet (1990, Otto Maier)
- Ghosts! (1985, Milton Bradley)
- Hol's der Geier (1988, Otto Maier)
- Jagd der Vampire (1991, Ravensburger)
- Inkognito (1988, Milton Bradley)
- Moonstar (??, Avalon Hill)
- NeoChess (1972, 3M)
- Oh Wah Ree (??, 3M resissued Avalon Hill)
- Die Osterinsel (Easter Island) (1994, Blatz)
- Sagaland (aka Enchanted Forest) (w/ Michael Matschoss)
(1981, Otto Maier)
- Twixt (??, 3M resissued Avalon Hill)
- Die Verbotene Stadt (w/ Johann Rüttinger) (1992, Ravensburger)
S. Ray
- Formica (w/ M. Lorrigan) (1991, Huki)
Pat Reid
- Escape From Colditz (?, Waddingtons)
Wolfgang Riedesser
- Ausgebremst (1994, ASS)
- Ave Ceasar (??, Ravensburger)
- Fat Cats (1993, Ravensburger)
- Magior (sp?) (1994, Ravensburger)
- Route 66 (1993, ASS)
- Route 66: The Card Game (1993, ASS)
Sylvie Rodriguez
S. Rohner
- Das Geheimnis der Pyramide (w/ C. Wolf) (1990, Jumbo)
Rudolf Ross
- Haithabu (1990, Hexagames)
Johann Rüttinger
- Die drei Magier (1985, Noris)
- Die Verbotene Stadt (w/ Alex Randolph) (1992, Ravensburger)
- Das verrückte Lexikon-Spiel (?, noris)
Sid Sackson
- Acquire
- Bazaar (reissued as Beirborse)
- Bazaar II
- Beirborse (reissue of Bazaar by 3M)
- Black Monday (reissue of Card Stock Market)
- Blockade (reissue of Spy by Amway)
- Die Bosse (1991, F.X.Schmidt)
- Break Away (Break Away from Games Magazine)
- Butin (Take it Away)
- Can't Stop
- Card Football (reissue of same game by Hoyle)
- Choice (Solitaire Dice)
- Corner (reissue of Intersection by Aladdin)
- Die 1 Million (reissue of Monad by 3M)
- Domination
- Erbe Des Maloney, Das (reissue of Holiday)
- Focus (reissue of same game by Eigen verlag)
- Gold Connection (1992, Schmidt Spiele)
- Holiday (reissued as Das Erbe Des Maloney)
- Intersection (reissued as Corner)
- Kohle, Kies & Knete (1994, Schmidt)
- Krawall Im Paradies (reissue of Organisms)
- Kunderschafter Im All (Space Explorer)
- Metropolis (reissue of same game by Raj Pub)
- Monad (reissued as Die 1 Million)
- Pari & Despari (Odd and Even from Games Magazine)
- Playing Cards Around the World (Kartenspiele Der Welt)
- Sidominos
- Spy (reissued as Blockade)
- Super-Blatt, Das
- Transformation (reissue of same game by Hoyle)
- Tromino Co.
Roland Scaron
- Terrain Vague (with Franck Parcabe) (?, Ludodelire)
Karl-Heinz Schmiel
- a la carte (??, Moskito Games)
- Extrablatt (??, Moskito Games)
- Kunst Stücke (1995, Moskito Games)
- Die Macher (??, Hans Im Gluck)
- Packen Wirs! (??, Moskito Games)
- Das Regeln Wir Schon! (1995, Moskito Games)
- Tyrano Ex! (??, Moskito Games)
- Was Sticht? (1994, Moskito Games)
Tom Schoeps
- Bauernschlau (1991, F.X. Schmidt)
- Hecht im Karpfenteich (1990, SBV)
- Sternenhimmel (1995, Goldsieber)
Herbert Schützdeller
- New Orleans Big Band (1990, ASS)
Michael Seal
Nick Sevell
- S.P.I.V.'s (1986, 3Wishes)
Andreas Seyfarth
- Manhattan (1994, Hans-im-Glück)
Philip Shoptaugh
- Calypso (aka Tau) (1971-1974, Four Generations; 1975, Shoptaugh Games Inc.)
- Interplay (aka Fiveplay)
- Shuttles
- Crosstrack (1996, University Games / Imperial Games / Shoptaugh Games Inc.)
Roland Siegers
- Uisge (1984, Hexagames)
- Abilene (1983, Hexagames, later reissued by Mattel)
Eric W. Solomon
- Alaska (1979, Otto Maier)
- Billabong (1994, Franjos)
- Black Box (??, Waddingtons, reissued 1978, Parker Brothers)
- Entropy (??, ??, reissued as Vis-a-Vis, ??, Selchow and Righter)
- Casablanca (1991, Amigo)
- Sigma File (1970, Seven Towns,
reissued as Conspiracy, 1982, Milton Bradley)
Claude Soucie
- Big Funeral (??, ??, reissued as Schickeria, 1989, Hexagames)
- Knife Your Buddy
- Lines of Action (aka Loa) (1988, Hexagames)
- Split Personality
- Watch (1979, MPH Games Company)
Reinhard Staupe
Klaus Teuber
- Adel Verpflichtet (1990, F.X. Schmidt)
- Barbarossa und die Rätselmeister (1988, ASS)
- By Hook Or By Crook (reissue of Adel Verpflichtet) (?, Avalon Hill
and Gibson)
- Die Siedler von Catan (1995, Franckh-Kosmos)
- Drunter & Drüber (1991, Hans-im-Glück)
- Fliegende Hollaender, Der (Flying Dutchman)
- Timberland
- Vernissage
Frank Thibault
- Cue Me
- Regatta (1989, Klee)
Johannes Tranelis
- Sauerbaum (1987, Tranelis, reissued Herder)
Francis Tresham
- 1829 (and variations) (?, Hartland Trefoil)
Andreas Trieb
Richard Ulrich
- El Grande (w/Wolfgang Kramer) (1995, Hans-im-Gluck)
Jean Vanaise
- Chicago (??, Flying Turtle)
- Hobbits (1994, ??)
- Shark (1987, Flying Turtle, reissued Ravensburger)
- Sindbad (w/ E. Duchetel, J.P. Postel) (??, Flying Turtle)
? van Dijk
- Targui (w/ Dijkstra) (1988, Jumbo)
Duccio Vitale
Michael Waitsman
David Watts
- Railway Rivals aka Dampfross
Ronald Wettering
- Rette Sich Wer Kann (1993, Spielewerkstatt Walter Muller)
Tom Wham
- Awful Green Things (Dragon 28 & 40)
- Awful Green Things (TSR, big box)
- Awful Green Things (Steve Jackson, small box)
- Awful Green Things (Steve Jackson, big box)
- Bolotomus' Revenge (The Dragon 34)
- Elefant Hunt (Dragon 88)
- File 13 (Dragon 72)
- File 13 (boxed set)
- Great Kahn Game, The (w/ Richard Hamblen) (TSR, gamefolio)
- Iceburgs (TSR)
- King of the Tabletop (Dragon 77 & 78)
- Kings & Things (Games Workshop and West End Games)
- Mertwig's Maze (TSR, gamefolio)
- Planet Busters (Dragon 64 & 65)
- Runnigus's Game / Awful Green Things Expansion set (Dragon 40)
- Search for the Emperor's Treasure (Dragon 51)
- Search for Emperor's Treasure, (Dragon Games Boxed Set)
- Sim City: The Card Game (1995, Mayfair)
- Snit Smashing (Dragon 10)
- Snit's Revenge (Dragon 11 & 18)
- Snit's Revenge (TSR, big box)
Hartmut Witt
- Druiden (1995, Hexagames)
- Koalition (1992, Salagames)
- Odysee (1995, Hexagames)
- Osiris (1995, Hexagames)
Reinhold Wittig
- Aura Poku (1993, Blatz)
- Baubylon (1982, Edition Perlhuhn)
- Das Spiel (1980, Edition Perlhuhn)
- Dino (1990, Hexagames)
- Doctor Faust (1994, Blatz)
- Hans Dampf (1990?, W. Keller)
- Maritim (1987, W. Keller)
- Müller & Sohn (1986, Franckh-Kosmos)
- Ombagi (1981, Edition Perlhuhn)
- Riombo (1983, Edition Perlhuhn)
- Wir Füttern die Kleinen Nilpferde (1983, Edition Perlhuhn)
C. Wolf
- Das Geheimnis der Pyramide (w/ S. Rohner) (1990, Jumbo)
Knut-Michael Wolf
- Netzwerk (1984, Edition Perlhuhn)
Geni Wyss
Walter Ziser
Klaus Zoch
- Bausack (1988, Zoch, resissued as Bandu, Milton Bradley)
Uncredited Games
- Careers
- Careers For Girls
- Comings & Goings (reissued as Vanished!; originally Paternoster)
- Contigo
- Dark Tower
- Endangered Species
- Flea Market Game
- Gilroy Garlic Game
- Greed
- Karawane (Caravan) (1990, Ravensburger)
- London Transport Game
- Market Madness
- Masterpiece
- Mine A Million (aka The Business Game) (?, Waddingtons)
- Outdoor Survival
- Penguin Freeze Tag
- Perquacky (?, Lakeside)
- Pig Mania (aka Pass the Pigs, Jeu de Cochons) (?, Manhattan)
- Pit
- Probe
- Really Nasty Horse Race Game (?, Upstarts)
- Rook
- Seejeh
- Stick the IRS
- Sting
- Stocks & Bonds
- Swashbuckler
- Taxi!
- Treadmill
- Trump, The Game
- Whodunit
Other Lists
The Game Cabinet
- [email protected]
- Ken Tidwell