Formule De

Published by Ludodelire
Translation by Mark Green
Scanning and Editing by Mike Siggins
Distributed from The Rules Bank by Mike Siggins

The aim of the game in to be the first driver to cross the finishing line after one or two circuits of a Grand Prix track. The game can be played by 1-10 players and, in smaller games, each player may control several cars. Each player also takes the role of course steward, and oversees the correct behaviour of the opponents and the application of the rules.


You will need to stick the small markers on the ailerons of half the cars, so as to differentiate between the two cars of each colour. Each player takes.a wax crayon, an eraser, a car and a player board (or photocopy). Place the 'gear stick' marker on the player board and mark your name, team, and colour of your car.


To discover 'pole position', roll the dice. The lowest score places a car first, followed in rising dice score order. On the first turn this is also the order of play. On subsequent turns order of play goes in race positions from the leading car.

Each car has 5 fundamental assets which have strength points:

Asset1 Circuit Race2 Circuit Race
Tyres (Pneus)4 points6 points
Brakes (Freins)3 points4 points
Gear Wear (Consumption)2 points3 points
Bodywork (Carrosserie)2 points2 points
Engine (Moteur)2 points2 points

Each player must keep track of points lost from his car, noting them on his player board. Loss of all tyre, bodywork or engine points will eliminate you from the race.


The movement of Formula One care is determined by the use of gears as in real life. One starts in lst and works up to 6th gear, to obtain maximum speed. At the start of his turn, the driver announces which gear he has selected and places the gear lever on the relevant space of the board. The roll of a dice (d20) will be cross-referenced with the gear to obtain the number of squares the car will move.

Movement ranges:

lst gear 1 or 2 spaces
2nd gear 2 - 4 spaces
3rd gear 4 - 8 spaces
4th gear 7 - 12 spaces
5th gear 11 - 20 spaces
6th gear 21 - 30 spaces


The circuit in marked out In three lanes, which mark different areas of the game.

The Yellow Flag on each corner shows the number of times you must stop (end a turn) in that corner. The numbers beneath the flag tell you the number of spaces in the shortest and longest route through the corner.

The red and white markers indicate the corners/chicane.

The red lines show the corners.

The arrows in corner spaces and their approaches show the permissable movement directions from each space.

It is only permitted to change lanes twice in one turn. You may not zig-zag. If there is a car in your lane you may change lane to overtake and then change lane back.

It is forbidden to have more than one car in the same space at any time.


Each player must roll the dice on his first turn; on a 1 he has stalled and must restart the car on turn two, without having to roll the dice again (but a gear change behind the others).


When cornering, a car must end its turn within the corner the number of times marked on the yellow flag. Thus on a 'two turn corner' you must enter the corner and end a turn, continue through on the second turn, and leave the corner on the next turn. A car which fails to adhere to this rule must pay a penalty. Count the number of spaces beyond the corner that the car reaches on the turn, and consult the chart below:

1 space lose a tyre point
2 spaces lose 2 tyre points
3 spaces lose 3 tyre points
4 spaces lose 4 tyre points
5 spaces lose 5 tyre points
6 spaces lose 6 tyre points and spin off
7 spaces car crashes and is eliminated

A car may brake in order to save tyre wear (see braking), or the player may split lost points between brakes and tyres. If you race through a two turn corner and don't stop at all, or a three turn corner and only stop once, you are eliminated.

NB Zero stops in a 3 corner results in elimination.


When a car loses its last tyre point, it spins off. Place the car facing backwards on its space. Next turn it is placed facing 'forwards and will restart in first gear. Thereafter corner rules must be strictly followed and any corner may only be exceeded by one space (for another spin off). Any faster cornering will result in a crash and elimination.


A driver may use his brakes to reduce the number of spaces travelled. For each point of brakes used, reduce the movement result by one space. When you run out of brake points you may no longer brake (although you can change down gears).


When a driver finds his path blocked by too many vehicles, and is unable to use up all his movement, there is trouble. The driver must brake and swerve using up tyre points. The car is moved as far as possible and remaining movement points lost are calculated:

1 space lose 1 brake point
2 spaces lose 2 brake points
3 spaces lose 3 brake points
4 spaces lose 3 brake and 1 tyre point
5 spaces lose 3 brake and 2 tyre points
6 spaces lose 3 brake and 3 tyre points
7 spaces eliminated and the car ahead loses 1 point of bodywork.


When a driver changes down gears violently, the engine will race and some damage will be caused.

1 gear jumped (e.g. 6th to 4th) - lose 1 wear point
2 gears jumped - lose 1 wear and 1 brake point
3 gears jumped - lose 1 wear, 1 brake and I motor point

A driver way not jump gears if he has no wear points left.

You may not jump more than 3 gears.


When a car stops on a space alongside or behind another car, there is a possibility of a collision. Each driver rolls the dice and the result of "1" means contact has been made. The driver rolling the "1" loses one point of bodywork. When all bodywork has been lost the car is destroyed.


When any driver rolls a 19 or 20 when in 5th or 6th gear, all drivers currently in 5th or 6th gear must check for engine wear! Roll a dice and on a 1-4, lose 1 point of engine. A car that runs out of engine points is wrecked and abandons the race.


Pit stops are only available on two circuit races. A driver may decide to stop in the pits to replace his tyres. The car must take the lane into the pits, but does not have to move exactly into his team's pit space. A car must have expended at least one tyre point before a pit stop can be made.

Tyres are immediately replaced and you may return tyre points to maximum.

Roll the dice for exiting the pits:

Rules for Engine Trouble, Collisions and Swerving do not apply in the pit lane. You way not overtake in the pit lane, as it is one car wide.


The winner in the first player to cross the finishing line. The game in completed when all surviving cars have crossed the line.


The advanced rules are independent and you way use one, some or all as the players decide.


Each driver individually makes a circuit of the track to decide start order for the main race. A driver places his car in the centre lane on the start line, while another player times his circuit with a watch and a note of the number of turns taken. The watch is stopped when the car crosses the line and a calculation is made:-

Ignore tyre, brake, wear points etc during the trial - ie No braking or overrevving is allowed during the trial.

The driver must obey the driving code but on corners take a note of extra spaces travelled If the car ignores the number of stops rule. Each extra space beyond the corner adds 1 to the count of turns spent on the trial.

Add 1 to the count of turns for each complete minute spent on the trial.

The lowest number of turns taken starts in pole position etc.

Tie breaks are settled by actual time taken.


Two types of Dry Tyre may be used in a race, hard and soft. Hard tyres are the norm and there are no advantages or penalties.

Advantage May add 1 space for each gear to movement May add 1 space for each gear to movement
Penalty Add 1 to each penalty count on fast cornering Add 1 to each Tyre penalty on cornering

Soft tyres only last for one circuit and thereafter all advantages are lost and all penalties are doubled. On the third circuit you suffer -1 to movement each turn and suffer triple penalties.


When a car loses a point from bodywork, engine or is destroyed, the space it occupies becomes hazardous (mark it in some manner). When a car enters such a space, the driver must roll the dice and on 1-4 takes damage to his Road Holding ability (see advanced player board). When all points are lost, the car must be abandoned.

I suggest track stewards clear the track after all the care have passed a spot, before the next circuit? If the track becomes blocked by debris, the race is abandoned?


May be used if you are in 4-6th gear. You may slip stream off another car if you are travelling as fast or faster than the car ahead (ie same gear or higher) and you finish your move directly behind. You may then move an extra three spaces.

  1. You must move three spaces, unless brakes are used to reduce this.
  2. If you arrive behind another car, you can slip stream again.
  3. If you arrive inside a corner after slip streaming, you must use up a point of brakes to simulate the cost of late braking. It costs no movement.
  4. Inside a corner, a car must follow the arrows for movement as usual.
  5. A car may not brake to arrive at a space in order to slip stream.

You are never obliged to slipstream, it in merely an option.


Weather conditions way well influence choice of tyres. One player rolls the dice and consults the weather table on the board. Players then secretly decide which tyres they will use. Separate weather rolls are made for trials and the race.


Conditions are wet during trials and races.

A car equipped with wet tyres adds one space to each move ending inside a corner.

A car equipped with dry tyres adds three spaces to each move ending inside a corner.

In rain, the chance of collision is increased to 1-2 on the dice, the chance of road holding in road holding in road safety is 1-5, and the chance of engine trouble decreases to 1-3 on the dice.


Conditions are normal during trials and races.

A car equipped with either type of dry tyre follows their rules.

A car equipped with wet tyres doubles tyre penalties in corners and swerving.


Weather will be dry during the trials, normal rules apply.

Weather starts dry for the race but can change. When a driver rolls a 19 or 20 when in 5th or 6th gear, he rolls again on the Weather chart to see if there is any change. If the result is Rain or Sunny, the weather has changed to that for the remainder of the race. If another Variable is rolled, check again if another 19/20 is rolled in 5th or 6th gear.


If you decide to race over three circuits, add 4 points to your car equipment as each driver wishes (tyres, brakes etc). A driver making a pit stop must wait a turn and start in 4th gear, there is no possibility of an immediate return to the track.


Players may decide to construct their own care. You will need to photocopy the advanced player board (Tableau de Bord) at the back of the French rule book. You may allocate 20 points to the six areas of your car - Road Holding, Brakes, Tyres, Bodywork, Consumption, and Engine. Each category must have at least one point. The French rules lay you decide point distribution after consulting the Weather, but it seems more logical to decide before.

The Game Cabinet - [email protected] - Ken Tidwell