La Vallée des Mammouths
The Valley of Mammoths

Translation : Lutz Pietschker

Description of the Event Cards

Some card headers are used multiply though the cards contain different texts. In these cases I numbered the cards and quoted a significant part of the French text.

Yellow Cards (L'Été / Summer)

Animaux Malades / Ailing Animals
Throw a die to determine which species is affected:

  1. Wolves
  2. Sabre-Toothed Tiger
  3. Bears
  4. Bison
  5. Woolly-Haired Rhinoceros
  6. Mammoths

Alle animals of this species are removed from the board, including those that appear in this round.

Automne Clement / Mild Autumn
This year, summer lasts long: it is 4 instead of 3 rounds. At the end of this round, do not increment the round indicator.

Bonnes Pluies / Abundant Rain
All harvests yield 15 instead of 12 nourishing points this year (8 instead of 6 for damaged fields).
Advanced Rules: all players lose the fire.

Eruption Volcanique / Volcanic Eruption
The volcanoes start to erupt. They may not be entered this round; all counters on volcano hexes die. Mark the hexes with "forest fire" markers.
Then, magma flows in the directions indicated. All animals on the affected hexes die, as well as one person (warrior or woman, affected player's choice) per hex.

Incendie de Foret / Forest Fire
Roll a die to determine which forest burns, and mark the hexes with "forest fire" markers. This forest can not be entered this round, and all counters in its hexes die.

Inondation 1 / Flood 1
La case de plaine ou de forêt située au bord de la petite riviere...
The plain or forest hex adjacent to the small river is flooded and can not be entered this turn. Place a "flood" marker. Villages and fields in this hex are destroyed. All animals in this hex die, as well as one person (warrior or woman, affected player's choice). Survivors may not move this round, but they may fish.
Advanced Rules: a flooded village loses the fire.

Inondation 2 / Flood 2
Les cases...en bordure de la riviè pied des volcans...
All plain or forest hexes adjacent to the river that flows at the volcano's foot are flooded and can not be entered this turn. Place a "flood" markers. Villages and fields in those hexes are destroyed. All animals in those hexes die, as well as one person (warrior or woman, affected player's choice) per hex. Survivors may not move this round, but they may fish.
Advanced Rules: all flooded villages lose the fire.

Inondation 3 / Flood 3
Les cases...en bordure du lac et de la rivière
All plain or forest hexes adjacent to the lake and to the river that flows into the lake are flooded and can not be entered this turn. Place a "flood" markers. Villages and fields in those hexes are destroyed. All animals in those hexes die, as well as one person (warrior or woman, affected player's choice) per hex. Survivors may not move this round, but they may fish.
Advanced Rules: all flooded villages lose the fire.

Nuage de Sauterelles / Swarming Locusts
All fields in one plain, determined by the roll of a die, are destroyed.

Orages / Thunderstorms
All warriors and women of all players may move only one hex this round.
Advanced Rules: In addition, all players lose the fire. Then, roll two dice: the first indicated if the lightning strikes a plain (1,2), a forest (3,4) or a mountain (5,6). The second die gives the number of the zone that is hit. Each player that has at least one warrior or woman in this zone immediately gets the fire.

Secheresse / Draught
Damaged fields are destroyed, intact fields are damaged. All rivers are dry and may be passed without problem. No fishing is possible until the end of summer, or until an "Abundant Rain", "Thunderstorm" or "Flood" event is drawn.

Solitaire / Solitary Man
One lone warrior or woman appear in a hex determined by the letter on the back of a randomly drawn animal counter. He/she will move one hex per round, in the same direction as the animals, and will fight if encountering animals.
He/she will join the tribe of first person he/she encounters.

Tremblement de Terre / Earthquake
Roll a die to determine the mountains affected. All animals on these and all adjacent hexes die, as well as one person (warrior or woman, affected player's choice) per hex.

Blue Cards (Hiver / Winter)

Avalanches / Avalanches
Roll a die to determine the mountains affected. All animals on these and all adjacent hexes die, as well as one person (warrior or woman, affected player's choice) per hex. Persons in caves are safe.

Chutes de Neige / Snow Falls
One person (warrior or woman, affected player's choice) dies in each mountain hex. Persons in caves are safe. In addition, no mountain hex may be entered this round, and counters in mountain hexes may not move.
Advanced Rules: Each player owning the fire rolls a die; on a roll of 1, 2 or 3 he loses the fire.

Eruption Volcanique / Volcanic Eruption
The volcanoes start to erupt. They may not be entered this round; all counters on volcano hexes die. Mark the hexes with "forest fire" markers.
Then, magma flows in the directions indicated. All animals on the affected hexes die, as well as one person (warrior or woman, affected player's choice) per hex.

Fleuve Gele 1 / River Frozen 1
La petite rivière...
The small river is frozen until the end of winter. Place an "ice" marker. All counters may pass it without problem. Fishing is still allowed.

Fleuve Gele 2 / River Frozen 2
La rivière qui cule au pied des volcans...
The river that flows at the foot of the volcanoes is frozen until the end of winter. Place an "ice" marker. All counters may pass it without problem. Fishing is still allowed.

Fleuve et Lac Geles / River and Lake Frozen
The lake and the river that flows into it are frozen until the end of winter. Place an "ice" marker. All counters may pass them without problem. Fishing is still allowed.

Hiver Long / Long Winter
This year, winter is very long. It lasts for 4 instead of 3 rounds. At the end of this round, do not increment the round indicator.

Horde de Loups 1 / Wolf Pack 1
Une horde de 3 pions loups...
A pack of 3 wolves appears in a hex determined by the letter on the back of a randomly drawn animal counter. The animals of the pack move and fight as a group.

Horde de Loups 2 / Wolf Pack 2
Une horde de 4 pions loups...
A pack of 4 wolves appears in a hex determined by the letter on the back of a randomly drawn animal counter. The animals of the pack move and fight as a group.

Ours de Cavernes / Cave Bear
Roll a die to determine a mountain. Each person or group in a cave in that mountain is attacked by a bear. They do not get the cave defensive bonus.
If there is no cave in that mountain, roll again.

Solitaire / Solitary Man
One lone warrior or woman appear in a hex determined by the letter on the back of a randomly drawn animal counter. He/she will move one hex per round, in the same direction as the animals, and will fight if encountering animals.
He/she will join the tribe of first person he/she encounters.

Tempete / Tempest
All persons of all players may move only 1 hex this round.
Advanced Rules: In addition, all players lose the fire.

Viande Maigre / Meagre Meat
The animals have little to eat this winter, their meat is very meagre. Until the end of winter they only yield a reduced number of nourishment points:

Viande Rare / Rare Meat
In this round, no new animal will appear.

Green Cards (Astuce / Trick)

Ami / Friend
If one or more of your warriors and/or women are in the same hex as a single enemy warrior he will join your tribe. Replace the enemy counter by one of your own.
This card must be played before combat begins.

Arc / Bow
You may add 1 to all die rolls for one combat.
This card must be played before combat begins.

Camouflage / Camouflage
Allows one of your persons (or one group) to pass through a hex with animals or enemies without having to stop.

Cannibales / Cannibals
For each enemy you kill you get one nourishment point, as well as for each own person you let starve this round
This card may be played at any time.

Chute de Pierres / Falling Rocks
One of your persons that is in a mountain hex and that does not move this round may cause a landslide into one adjacent forest or plain hex. The landslide kills one person or animal of your choice in that hex.
This card must be played in your movement phase.

Comme une Bete / Like a Beast
Play this card in the birth phase. It allows one of your women neither in a village nor a cave to give birth normally.

Endurance / Endurance
Allows one of your persons (or one group) to move 3 hexes instead of 2, or in summer to pass through a mountain hex without having to stop.

Engrais Naturel / Natural Fertiliser
Each field yields 18 instead of 12 nourishing points (9 instead of 6 if damaged).

Espionnage / Spy
You may take a look at another player's trick cards if you have at least on person adjacent to one of his.

Filet / Net
This round, each of your groups fishes 2 nourishing points instead of 1.

Forte Tête / Rebel
In one hex, your women take part in comabt as if they were warriors. They are counted as warriors and will fight to death even if they are left alone with enemy warriors.

Fuite / Escape
Allows one of your persons (or one group, even a lone woman) to flee into an adjacent, free hex if they are in a hex together with one or more enemies. There may be no animals or enemies in the hex they flee into.
This card may be played before or during combat.

Grimper aux Arbres / Climbing the Trees
Allows one of your persons (or one group) to

Herbe de Fertilite / Herbs of Fertility
You get one additional birth in each of your villages.
This card must be played in the birth phase.

Incendiaire / Arsonist
In summer, one of your persons that does not move and is in a hex without animals and enemies may lay fire in an adjacent forest hex. The forest may not be on the other side of a river. Place a "forest fire" marker in that hex. All counters in that hex die.
This card must be played in your movement phase.
Advanced Rules: This card may only be used if you have the fire.

Intuition / Intuition
At the beginning of a round, or during a round, you may look at the event card that will be drawn next round.

Marche Forcée / Forced March
Allows one of your persons (or one group) to move 3 hexes instead of 2, or in summer to pass through a mountain hex without having to stop.

Nage / Swimming
Allows one of your persons (or one group) to

Palissade / Fence
One of your fields is protected by a stout fence. Mammoths, bison and rhinoceros that enter the hex or pass through it will not damage it.

Pieges / Traps
The traps you built allow you to kill all animals in one hex without combat.

Pierre Taillee / Stone Tools
You may add 2 to all die rolls for one combat.
This card must be played before combat begins.

Pont / Bridge

Propulseur / Booster
You may add 2 to all die rolls for one combat.
This card must be played before combat begins.

Radeau / Raft
Allows one of your persons (or one group) to cross a river or the lake. The move ends immediately after crossing, though.

Silex / Flint-Stone
You may add 1 to all die rolls for one combat.
This card must be played before combat begins. Advanced Rules (other use of the card): One of your persons in a mountain hex may take the fire.

Tambour de Guerre / Drums of War
You may chase away the animals of one hex in which you have one or more persons, or out of a hex that is entered by a person or group of yours. The animals will move 1 hex in a direction of your choice.
This card may be played any time during your movement phase.

Troncs d'Arbre / Tree Trunks
Allows one of your persons (or one group) to

The Game Cabinet - [email protected] - Ken Tidwell