
Designed by Stefan Dorra
Published by Ravensburger
Rules Translation by Mark Green
Scanned and Edited by Mike Siggins
Distributed from The Rules Bank by Mike Siggins
Version 1.0, 7th August 1996

The Aim of the Game

The game is set in the gambling bars of an American city, where gamblers and police try to lay their hands on the big money.The winner is the player with the most money at the end of the game.

Preparations for 4-6 players

Lay out the 6 large bar cards on the table. Of the game cards not all are used; all Police cards with the dice symbol 5 and one each of the Gambler cards with the dice symbol 3 and 4 of each border colour must be sorted out. These 18 cards are laid back In the box.

All remaining cards are shuffled well. Each player is dealt 5 cards, which makes the hand.The rest of the cards are placed face down to form a deck above the Bar Cards. The money chits are shuffled and placed face down in 3 even stacks above the bar Cards.

Game Start

Each turn will see a different dealer in charge, turns passing clockwise round the table. The player who is the Coolest Gambler in the first dealer. He opens the first gambling round by taking 7 money chits and placing 6 of them face up in a row from left to right beneath the bars. The 7th money chit is placed beneath a bar of his choice. These money chits are the stakes which you can win by playing the right card at the right time.


Players go to the Bars and seek money, either by gambling or by raiding bars where illegal gambling is taking place. The colour border of the card played must match the border of the bar so if you do not have a card of that colour you cannot go to that Bar!

Each player selects one of their 5 cards and lays it face down on the table. When all players have done this, turn the cards face up and count the winnings - all or none.

The Gambler Cards

Place all the Gambler cards on their relevant bars. When one gambler is alone at a Bar he will scoop all the winnings. The player takes all the money chits from that Bar.

Example: Udo plays a Gambler card on the Colibri, Claudia on the Havana bar, Stefan on the Cotton Club and Karin on the Jungle. All take from the respective Bars their winnings, where they played a gambler card. The money chits at Lincoln and Jazz House stay in place.

The Raid Cards

The Raid Cards represent the actions of the Cops, the American Police cracking down on illegal gambling. When a Raid Card to played there must be at least one Gambler at that Bar for the Police to be successful. The Cop confiscates the money chits from the Bar, the other player gets nothing. If only a Raid Card in played, the Police are out of luck and the money chit stays on the board.

Example: At the Jungle, Claudia plays a Raid card and Udo plays a Gambler. At the Cotton Club, Stefan plays a Raid. Claudia confiscates the money from The Jungle, Udo gets nothing. At the Cotton Club, no-one has played a Gambler so Stefan in unable to arrest anyone and gets no money. The Cotton Club money stays in place.

The Dice Symbols

Should several players go to the same Bar together you must try to discover who has the best card. Each card has a die symbol marked 1-6. The higher the dice number, the more powerful in the card for 'dealing'.

The Deal

The deal occurs when 2 Players each play a Gambler or Raid cards at the same bar. The 2 players must deal over the spoils. The player with the highest dice number makes a proposed deal. He proposes a division of the money in that bar. This division in dependent on the money chits open at the Bar involved, change may not be made. If the other player is satisfied with the offer the money chits are taken.

Example: 4 players have gone to the Jazz House where $55,000 is available.

Because Raid Cards have been played, Stefan and Karin's Gamblers win nothing. Their cards do not deal. Claudia has the best Raid Card and proposes that she gains $35,000 and Udo $20.000. Udo reluctantly agrees.

NB: It in not permitted to make change in deals out of other money chits. A straight division of money chits at the Bar is required.

The Dice Duel

If a player is dissatisfied with the proposed deal. he may make a challenge to a duel. Each player must roll the dice and add the value of the dice number on their card. The player with the highest total wins the duel and takes all the money in the Bar. In case of a tie, the player who started the duel wins.

A New Round Begins

The next player becomes the new Dealer. He opens a new Gambling round by dealing each player a new card, to bring their hand back up to 5. (When the deck runs out, take the discards and shuffle then for a new deck). He takes 7 new money chits and distributes them as before. Money chits from previous round(s) remain in place beneath the relevant bar cards.

Game End

The game ends when the last money chits are laid out. The last round is played. Players total the value of their winnings.

Dealing Between 3 Players

When 3 (or more) players are involved in a Deal situation, the strongest card player proposes a deal as usual. If all accept, the money in divided up as usual. If some players agree, and others challenge to a duel a special situation occurs. Those agreeing to the deal take their money while the rest fight the duel with the deal's proposer. If several players are involved in the duel, the player with the highest dice symbol duels the player with the lowest dice symbol. The winner then duels the next player, and so on. Ties are resolved in favour of the weaker player. The winner takes all the (remaining) money from the Bar.

Three Player Game

Remove two of the bars and the associated playing cards from the game. Remove two each of the money chits of $5,000, $10,000. $15,000, $20,000 and one each of $25,000, $30,000, $40,000, and $50,000.

In each Dealer round take 5 money chits and place one each at the bars and the 5th at the Bar of the dealer's choice.

7 and 8 Player Game

Use all the game equipment. If two players have cards down with the same dice symbol, the player sitting furthest from the current dealer wins the pot or any duel between them.

The Game Cabinet - [email protected] - Ken Tidwell