Venice Connection

Translated by Joe Huber.


How To Win

The player who completes the canal wins.

Note that is not necessary to use all the tiles for the game to end. Figures 2-5 show possible end game situations.

Game Course

The tiles are all identical, each with a straight segment on one side and a bend on the other. These tiles are not divided, but are available for use by either player.

Players alternate turns.

The current player takes 1, 2, or 3 tiles, and places them on the table, either side up.

When laying more than one tile, these tiles must be placed in a straight line and connected. Only the _tiles_ must be connected, not the course of the canal. Figures 6-11 provide examples of legal plays.

After the first turn, at least one tile played must be adjacent to a previously laid tile.

At least one tile must be played every turn. Tiles must not be laid in such a manner as to block the canal (see figure 12), such that no newly laid tile is beside a previously laid tile (see figure 13), or not in a line (see figure 14).


If the current player notices immediate after his or her opponent has played that it is no longer possible to make a complete canal, then the current player says "Impossible!". The other player then plays alone.

If the challenged player can complete the canal with the remaining tiles, he or she has won. If the challanged player can not complete the canal, he or she has lost.

Note: it is very important to make unusual plays, especially in the beginning of the game. Therefore, the examples of play given in figures 7 and 9 are in reality very poor. The play given in figure 7 leads to an immediate win with the play shown in figure 7A, while the play given in figure 9A (the followup to the play in figure 9) forces a win.

Overleaf are a number of puzzles; in each case, a win can be forced with the proper play. The first puzzle is very easy; the others are much more difficult.


The Game Cabinet - [email protected] - Joe Huber