The square the donkey in 1. moved to contains a coloured arrow. This
indicated the movement for the corresponding coloured donkey. The
player takes the donkey of that colour and moves it that direction.
This indicates another donkey and direction to move in etc, etc.
This continues until EITHER a donkey moves onto a coloured arrow of its
own colour, OR, a donkey would be forced to move into a space occupied
by another donkey.
The Finish
As long as all three donkeys are in play, you may move a donkey in your
first step one space BACK if it starts in a "rough sand" square. All
movement in step 2 is done as usual. You may not move back the donkey
which moved last on the preceding players turn.
If a donkey has reached the finish (one of the last four squares),
it is placed immediately on the pedestal, and further movement takes
place as normal.
If there are only two donkeys left on the track, if one of the donkeys
moves onto a square with an arrow in the colour of the third (finished)
donkey, the turn also ends.
The game ends when the second donkey reaches the finish.
The winner is the player who card matches the order of finish. If none
of the players hold this card the game is a draw.
Optional - Points System
To play several races, the following points system can be used:
- if your card shows the correct donkey in 1st place: 2 points
- if your card shows the correct donkey in 2nd place: 1 point
- if your card has 1st and 2nd places swapped: 1 point
The points on each card are added up. If a player holds 2 cards (i.e. 3
players or less) only one card (the better one) scores.
Distributed by Mike Siggins from The Sumo Rules Bank
The Game Cabinet
- [email protected]
- Ken Tidwell