Linie 1

Invented by Stefan Dorra.
Published by Goldsieber Spiele.
Translated by M. Schloth.
Copyright 1995, Stefan Dorra.

For 2 - 5 players.
40 - 60 minutes for 5 players.
20 - 30 minutes for 2 players.

In Line 1 all players work together to build a streetcar network. However, each player is pursuing a different goal. By cleverly laying track, each player connects their two terminals and 2 or 3 stops in between. Which terminals and trolley stops a player must connect is known by each player alone. Once a route is completed, the owner must run his or her trolley from terminal to terminal and make the necessary stops in between. The first one to do so wins the game.



Before the first game, separate the track tiles carefully from the frame and the 12 route and 6 line cards carefully from each other. Apply the streetcar stickers for streetcars 1 through 6 to the six white wooden blocks.

The game board is set in the middle of the table. It shows the cobblestone spaces on which the players shall be laying track tiles. It also shows 12 buildings labeled A through M which may have to be connected to complete routes. Outside the cobblestone area are found the 12 terminals of the 6 lines.

Separate the starting track tiles from the other track tiles. The starting track tiles have darker backs. Each player receives 3 straight track and 2 curves from the starting track tile pile. Extra starting track tiles are placed back in the box.

The remaining track tiles should all have a lighter back. These are all mixed together track side down and formed into four stacks next to the game board still track side down.

The line cards are shuffled and each player receives one. Do not show it to the other players. This tells each player which terminals they need to connect.

The 12 route cards are sorted by the color of the frame on their front. If 2 or 3 players are in the game, then the route cards with the blue frame are used. If 4 or 5 players are in the game, then the route cards with the red frame are used. Whichever six are used, they are shuffled and each player receives one. As with the line cards, each player must keep his or her route card concealed from the other players. Each player finds their line on their particular route card. That row on the route card shows what buildings need to be connected between your terminals. (See Route Schedule).

The unused route and line cards are placed face down back in the box.

The 6 streetcars, the 12 stop signs and the die are set next to the board.

Outline of Play

There are two parts to this game. In the first part, all players will be working to connect their terminals and buildings. Each player on his or her turn must place 2 of their 5 track tiles onto the game board. They then take 2 track tiles from the concealed track tile stacks. Important: Each player may lay their track to continue track already placed by another player. So it would be wise for each player not to give away which terminals or buildings they must connect as other players may make your route longer than you would like.

The second part of the game begins when at least one player has completed their route. While the others still work to complete their own routes, the player who has completed his or her route lays no more track tiles. Instead, he or she sets their trolley on one or the other of their terminals and rolls the die to move their trolley along their route.

The first player to complete their route and end at their other terminal wins the game.

Part 1: Laying Track Tiles

The Route Schedule

Each route schedule is composed of a streetcar line card and a route card. The line card tells you which two terminals must be connected and the route card tells you at which buildings you must stop. Whether you stop at one building before another is unimportant.

Example (page 2) for 2 or 3 players:

The route schedule for line 2 tells you that you must stop at the (B)ahnhoff, the (D)om and the (M)useum. You could start at the Alberichstrasse terminal and run your track to M, B and D before entering the Ketzergasse terminal. Or you could start at the Ketzergasse terminal and run to D, then M and then B (or any other combination of D, M and B) before entering the Alberichstrasse terminal.

Outline of a Game Round

The oldest player begins. The other players take their turns in clockwise order. On your turn, you lay any 2 of your 5 track tiles. Then you draw 2 track tiles from the four stacks of concealed track tiles so that you have 5 again.

Hint: It is not advisable to start laying track at your own terminals.

All players' track tiles are kept face up.

The Track Laying Rules

A player may place track tiles on any free space, or a player may exchange his or her tiles with previously placed track tiles (see Track Tile Exchanges).

A track tile may only be placed such that its rails either lead into free spaces or connect with the rails on an adjacent track tile.

A track tile may not be placed if it:

  1. leads off of the board.
  2. leads into a building.
  3. covers a building.
  4. blocks the track of a previously lain tile or
  5. one or more ends of the track cannot be continued.

Example (page 2, bottom left):

Tiles may be placed this way.

Example (page 2, bottom right):

Tiles may NOT be placed this way. Each letter refers to track laying rules a - e above.

Example (page 3, top left):

1st Illustration: Given these two track tiles.
2nd Illustration: You could lay either of these tiles between them.
3rd Illustration: You cannot lay either of these tiles between them.

Track Tile Exchanges

On his or her turn, a player may exchange an already placed track tile with another. However, ALL previously existing track must be maintained. In effect, tile exchanges are upgrades and only add new connections (which must also follow the track laying rules a - e).

Example (page 3, middle left):

1st illustration: The middle tile...
2nd Illustration: may be exchanged for either of these tiles...
3rd Illustration: but it may NOT be exchanged with either of these tiles.

The player making the exchange takes the original tile as one of his or her 5. If the player has not yet placed a second tile, then this exchanged tile may be placed somewhere else immediately. If a player has exchanged one tile, then he or she will only draw one new tile from the track tile stacks. If the player has exchanged two tiles, then he or she will draw no new tiles from the track tile stacks.


Track tiles marked with trees CANNOT be exchanged (see the list of track tiles on the bottom of page 4).

Two SIDE BY SIDE tiles may be exchanged simultaneously as long as all track laying rules are obeyed.

Example (page 3, top right):

Left Illustration: Neither tile A nor tile B may be exchanged alone.
Right Illustration: However, if both are exchanged in the same turn then the exchange is allowed.
Also, any track tiles that have streetcars or stop signs on them may be exchanged as well (see Stop Signs and The Inaugural Trip). Simply replace the streetcars and/or stop signs after making the exchange.

Stop Signs

On the game board there are 12 spaces that contain buildings A - M. As soon as a track tile is placed horizontally or vertically (NOT diagonally) next to one of these buildings, then a stop sign is placed on top of that tile. Each building may have only one stop sign next to it. Each player who has that building in their route schedule must stop at the tile that contains its stop sign.

Example (page 3 middle right):

Since building H already has a stop sign on tile A, a stop sign may not be placed on space/tile B, C or D. The spaces/tracks marked with X's may never receive the stop sign for building H because they border the building diagonally.

Part 2: The Inaugural Trip

If the route schedule of a player is completed at the beginning of his turn, then that player may place his streetcar in either of his terminals and begin his inaugural trip.

He shows the other players his line card and his route card. He then traces the route he will follow with his finger so that the other players may see that he has indeed made all of the required connections. If the other players catch a mistake, then he must go back to laying track tiles until the mistake is corrected.

A player who is on his inaugural trip leaves his extra track tiles face up before himself. The other players may take them if the tile stacks are depleted.

How To Move

At the beginning of his inaugural run, the player places the streetcar of his line in one or the other of his terminals. Whoever is moving their streetcar no longer places track tiles on their turn. Instead, he or she rolls the special die and moves his or her trolley.

If, for Example, a 4 is rolled, then the streetcar is moved four spaces. The streetcars may only be driven forwards. The streetcar must follow the route exactly.

Right angle or sharper turns are not allowed.

Streetcars are allowed to stop in the same space and they may pass each other. Streetcars may also move through the terminals of other players--this counts as a space.


If a player has taken a wrong turn and discovers that it is not possible to complete his run, then he has to give it up and start the run from the beginning.

Rolling the Stop Symbol

If the stop symbol "H" is rolled, then the player drives his streetcar along his route up to the next stop sign or terminal. It does not matter whether the stop is on his schedule or not. It could also be the terminal of another player. In his next turn the player moves on.

Example (page 4 top right):

If an H is rolled, then the streetcar would leave terminal 1 and travel all the way to the stop sign next to building "I". On the space marked with an "A", the streetcar would not be allowed to turn since no right angle turns are allowed. If a 3 had been rolled, then the streetcar would have driven to the space marked with an "X".

End of the Game

As soon as a player has reached his other terminal, the game is over. That player has won. You do not have to arrive by an exact count.

The Game Cabinet - [email protected] - Ken Tidwell