August, 1996
Gaming News
- Friedhelm Merz -
the gaming world mourns the passing of the organizer of Essen Spiel
- Across the Board -
gaming in pubs in London and Essex
(Warning: Small Furries have been spotted at these locations)
- GenCon '96 -
a report from the floor of TSR's annual gathering
Letter Box
Game Reviews
- City of Chaos -
a good old dungeon crawl from days of yore
- Illusions -
it seemed like a good game at the time...
- Kwaz -
an abstract game of patterns and placement
- Safe Return Doubtful -
the race to the pole, mile by agonizing mile
- Stealth -
stealth tanks but no hit tables
English Game Translations
- Ausbrecher AG -
the Great Escape meets the Great Race
- Formule De -
not just a race game, a way of life
- Full Metal Planete -
a French science fiction game on a grand scale
- Geheime Mission -
will you make a better Maxwell Smart than James Bond?
- Die Hanse -
a shipping game of the famous Hanseatic League
- Nuba -
musical wrestling as seen on late night TV
- Rasant -
a very racy car(d) game
- Ratselturm -
decode words encrypted in colored towers
- Razzia -
police raids, gambling joints, bathtub gin, fond memories
French Game Translations
- 6 Nimmt! -
Un jeu qui n'est pas pour les têtes de vache!
The Front Door
Other Places
Sumo's Karaoke Club (Redux)
I would just like to take a moment to point out that Sumo is still
being published. You can read all about how to subscribe on the
magazine rack elsewhere in this Cabinet.
The Game Cabinet
- [email protected]
- Ken Tidwell